Security & Safety services


On behalf of the Kisumu Campus Security and Safety department, I would

like to welcome you to our website page. In designing this website page our

intent is to provide as much information as possible to our Campus community

and visitors, about the services we offer at the Campus


The Campus has put in place the Security and Safety policy/plan to ensure a

safe and secure envirment for University staff, students ,customers and property.

To further boost Security and Safety, the University has outsourced professional

additional guards to compliment the  work of the internal Security employed by

the Campus. The safety policy/plan has been enacted to minimize and prevent

losses due criminal activity, damage to Campus and Personal property, and most

importantly,serious injury to members of the Campus community. It is the 

responsiblity of every member of the Campus community to adhere to these 

policies and regulation and notify Safety and Security when infractions occur.


We hold ourselves accountable to our community and as such we are guided by

the following principles and values:


  1. Respect for the dignity, privacy, worth and diversity of all persons
  2. Fair and impartial treatment of all individuals
  3. Equality of access and protection of constitutuinal rights and liberties
  4. Reliability, competence, accountability,teamwork and open communications
  5. An approach to campus security as a responsibility of all members of the


i solicit your questions,concerns and suggestions regarding safety and security

on the campus. We appriciate your cooparation in abiding by Campus policies and

procedures and in assisting us in making our Campus a great place to obtain an

education,work and visit.


Our Commitment to Service Delivery


  • Investigations into received reports to commence immediately.
  • Issuance of car park sticker to be on the spot.
  • Guards are placed at strategic points to deter the commission of offences.
  • There is patrol undertaken by security personnel of all ranks within Campus premises.
  • During special functions the Department in liaison with Kenya police shall provide security.


Feedback and Address


  • Complaints,compliments and suggestions should be forwarded to the office of the Campus Security Chief.
  • Feedback may be channeled via telephone ,letters ,e-mail and suggestion boxes.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy shall be respected at all times.
  • All feedback shall be addressed as soon as practicable.




I hope you will take the opportunity to review this website to familiarize yourself

and others with the safety programs and services provided by the Department of

Campus Safety and Security. Please remember that campus safety is everyone's






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