BD.Njuguna, Registrar, Kisumu Campus training staff on website content development and writing on 11.3.2025.

BD.Njuguna, Registrar, Kisumu Campus training staff on website content development and writing on 11.3.2025

One of the key areas in the signed performance contract for FY 2024/2025 between the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and the Associate Dean, Kisumu Campus Competence Development, is where the Associate Dean undertakes to address, among others, identifying skills gaps among staff and training needs through interventions such as capacity building/training, coaching, and mentoring.

In line with the above, on March 11, 2025, the Campus Registrar, Bernard D. Njuguna, conducted in-house training for members of staff on website content development and writing. The participants were taken through the principles of news guided by news principles such as prominence, proximity, consequences, human interest, and oddity, among others. Emphasis was made on how to package news, ensuring accuracy, timeliness, factuality, brevity, and checking on libel through adherence to the elements of the five Ws and an H (What, When, Where, Who, Why & How). That information going out to the public must target a specific audience and conform to the institution’s communication policy in tandem with its vision of being a globally competitive university transforming society.

Four members of staff from the ICT Department and the Office of the Associate Dean participated in the one-day training.

Margaret Musambayi, writer, and Elizabeth Achieng, photographer
